day twenty-six | foodie flow

day twenty-six | foodie flow | Journey for Jessi

Just four more days!  Four.  That’s it!  I keep saying that this whole Whole30/Paleo thing is just natural to me now.  I guess that’s why it’s more of a lifestyle than a diet.  It just flows well, I have never been hungry, my sleep has improved drastically, my energy levels (did I also mention that this month I cut coffee???)… Continue reading

sunday relaxation

sunday relaxation||Journey for JessiI cannot tell you how nice of a Sunday I had–okay well maybe I can.  It was a beautiful day!  Sunny skies, melting snow, warm temperatures…sigh.  It is glorious.  For breakfast, I had half a grapefruit sprinkled with stevia and cantaloupe with ¼ cup cashews (not pictured).  I always pair my fruit with a nut or fat of some sort to prevent drastic blood sugar spikes.  

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vegan quinoa chili

vegan quinoa chili || Journey for JessiYou have no idea how many times I have begun to post this recipe, but failed miserably.  Why? Because it’s that delicious!  The first couple of times, I never got the pretty “after” shot you see above. It was just too good looking and calling my name to devour it–so I did.  When I finally got a good, presentable picture and begun to write up this blog post, I kept looking through my pictures and sorting the ingredients all out until my stomach literally begun growling… It is really a miracle that this recipe is finally making it to the world, but I knew I had to share it!  I am on a mission to spread this scrumptious meal to the world–er, my readers anyway.  Here is the infamous, Vegan Quinoa Chili

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